I'm a senior iOS engineer with 9-year experience in various fields such as video streaming, IoT, online travel agency, and more. With these extensive experiences, my iOS development expertise ranges from app architecture to low-level C implementation. My focus is on leveraging industrial practices and teamwork to provide timely, high-quality mobile-first solutions.
I'm also passionate about contributing to the community, which leads me to become the writer of the Swift & iOS blog AppCoda and the organizer of the Tokyo-based meetup WebHack.
我是一位具有九年經驗的 iOS 工程師,在許多不同的專業領域,如醫療及電子書產業工作過。 對於 app 整體開發流程相當熟悉,能夠獨力完成完整的 app 開發,也能夠針對各種需求提出有效且高品質的解決方案。 我同時也是知名 Swift 內容發行者Flawless App Stories 跟 AppCoda的作者之一,持續在社群分享我的開發經驗跟技術實驗。 我的目標是要成為一個專注在創造完美使用者經驗的敏捷開發工程師。我的信念是只有良好組織、能充分發揮所長的團隊合作才能夠生產出最具革命性的產品。
最近我在東京與一群技術愛好者共同組織了一個技術分享的 meetup:WebHack。每個月我們都會邀請一位專業領域的講者,分享各種技術。如果你也熱愛技術,歡迎加入我們的 meetup!
Feel free to check my blogs, social network and Github projects!
Here are some projects that I made, most of those are for knowledge sharing and some are for technique exploration.